Charm Bracelets

Charm bracelets have been in and out of style through the decades. They were popular with movie stars of the l950s as well as high school girls of that era but they re-emerge periodically to capture our attention. The charm bracelet starts with a classic link, as narrow or wide as the wearer chooses.we have been improving in techniques and management and growing as a medium factory.


These links will support the charms as they are added to the bracelet. The charms dangle from the links, spaced out to create a harmonious design. As charms are added, the spaces grow smaller.
Over the years, the wearer creates a personal piece of jewelry that reflects the important occasions of her life. Multitudes of designs in the shape of objects or symbols, often engraved with significant dates, spell out the landmark moments of the wearer's life. Charms may be added to any link bracelet. If this is your ultimate goal, choose one with links that are large enough to support the charms and solid enough to balance the added weight and volume of the charms.

Charm bracelets again found an audience at the end of World War II. Soldiers returning home from overseas brought along trinkets made by local craftsmen to give their sweethearts. The charms represented miniature replicas of notable locations, such as the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben.

Within a decade, the charm bracelet was the must-have accessory for girls and women. Charm bracelets became popular gifts for 16th birthdays, graduations, weddings.

More recently, Italian charms became the rage at the turn of the Millennium. A departure from the traditional hanging trinkets, these bracelets snap into the bracelet rather than dangle from it. The flat, modular charms link together to form a bracelet, Zoppini and Nomination are two popular makers of Italian charm bracelets. Fashion gurus like Louis Vuitton and Juicy Couture have also launched their own Italian charms.

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